Ground segments for traditional Earth observation missions, such as Landsat, MODIS, VIIRS, NOAA, Metop and Fengyun.
Direct receiving stations
FarEarth for Ground Segments is a multi-mission system for the acquisition and processing of traditional EO satellite missions. It includes:
- Multi-mission scheduling and deconfliction
- Antenna and demodulator control
- Observer with real-time moving window display
- Automated image processing workflows
- Industry standard product generation
- Flexible data archiving, cataloguing and dissemination options
FarEarth for Ground Segments is offered as an on-premises or a fully managed cloud-based system.
The FarEarth for Ground Segment system provides a flexible architecture for the processing of data from various satellites. It hides the complexity of controlling hardware from various vendors, and allows for deconfliction across multiple missions, antennas, and demodulators. Processing is managed across distributed nodes, with automatic assignment and failover. Standard pluggable processors are available for the Landsat mission, NOAA, Metop and Fengyun satellites as well as the MODIS and VIIRS sensors. Pinkmatter can also develop customised low-level processors for other missions.

- Automated scheduling
- Deconfliction
- Vendor agnostic hardware control
- Multi-mission support

- Automated processing
- Systematic workflows
- System monitoring
- Dynamic scaling and failover

- Pluggable processors
- Industry standard products
- Custom processor configurations
- Support for various missions

- Reliable data archiving
- Searchable catalogue
- Rule-based distributed storage
- Flexible dissemination